I don't know what to write.
So, I've never been emergency transferred. That's when you just get pulled out of your area in the middle of a transfer, and sent somewhere different. These last few days feel like that to me--like I'm getting emergency transferred.
It's weird, man.
We received an exciting call from President! Sister Jeppesen is getting a new missionary!!!!!! We died. I took pictures. We probably screamed and jumped a lot? I am SO excited for her--training is a BLAST and she will rock it :D Then the Assistants called later to tell me that after much prayer and thought, they had decided to send me home. Elder Kress is having waaaaaay too much fun :P
The Jansens were baptized this Saturday, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday!!! :D It was incredible. This is an older German couple that started getting invovled with the Church after an invitation from their neighbors, the Stellets. They've been consistantly coming to church for two years now! The missionaries have been working with them for almost the same amount of time.
I love these two so very much. Although I really only caught the tail end of their teaching, it has been wonderful to work with them :) Their baptism was wonderful as well--everything just felt so right and sure and peaceful and joyous ^.^ They were ready and excited, and our ward did a fantastic job of welcoming them in. They were confirmed as members of the Church the next day, and that experience mirrored that of their baptism--right and sure, peaceful and joyous. How wonderful!
That evening we visited them, and found in their home a different spirit; those same feelings I described earlier were there. I can't tell you how happy I am!! I adore them. Ah. I am going to miss them. They'll miss me too! At the close of the visit, Sister Jansen looked sternly at me and said something along the lines of "We'll see if you keep in touch...." That means "I love you," in German ;) Bruder Jansen gave a toast with sparkling wine (he brought out the bottle with that meme trololol expression--he paused as we took it in, then laughed and showed us the non-alcoholic sign :P BRUDER JANSEN. IMMER MIT DEN WITZEN.)
I love you all.
I just finished my mission history....people are here now, playing soccer at the church so ALL my focus has just disappeared.....but mission histories are great! I've been slowly writing it since I came to Düsseldorf, two transfers out from the end, just during a portion of p-day personal study. BEST IDEA EVER. Mine is long! I don't know how I wrote and summed up everything, but it was a cool chance to look back and see the changes. I am different. There have been so many priceless lessons out here. Haha, I wish I could just attach that to this letter! You'll have to let me know if you want to read it :)
I am really going to miss this. I'm trying to live it right and appreciate every moment--I've been praying that I'll appreciate every moment. It's working...this life is so good, and I will miss it. I'm going to love being home, though; I can't wait to see my family again :)
Liebe Grüße,
Sister Pitts
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